I learned a lot about perception of the game and correct movement, recalls IDC's Dominic Schwitter

The summer holidays are already over, but we will return to them for a moment in an interview with Dominic Schwitter, a Swiss goalkeeper who participated in the summer International Development Camp for the first time this year.
The preparations for the next year are already in full swing. International participants can again look forward to more news.
It was your first year here at IDC and I would like to know how did you get here? Was the application open to all players or did the coach choose the players?
As far as I know the IDC information was not published in Swizerland. So probably nobody knew about it.
How did you find out about him?
I found out about the camp from my trainer (Christoph Curchod).
How often do you train in Switzerland, what is the format of the youth competitions here?
I train 3 times a week which is much, most of the other goalkeepers just train once or twice normally. In Switzerland we have two leagues, U12 and U15 that are played in a tournament mode. And U18 where we have normally a double round robin format followed by playoff.
There was also special training only for goalkeepers, are you used to this kind of training or was it something new for you?
I didn’t know the specific goalkeeper training from Switzerland, as in my club there was none. In some other clubs there are some goalkeeper trainings.
What do you think about the training here?
It's very cool, but physically quite demanding. But I learnt a lot in terms of play, especially when it comes to positioning and moving around.
Was there a language barrier at the camp? Both with the boys during the camp and with the coaches when explaining the exercises?
Language barriers were very few as most of the coaches and players spoke English, it went very well. I also find it great that everybody accepted me, even if I spoke English. Everyone was very nice and open.
Are you in contact with someone from IDC, do you plan to come again if it is possible?
Unfortunately not. Somehow, we just forgot that while playing. I think it's a pitty we forgot to exchange numbers among each others. I would like to come back next year when I'm on vacation and I can come. Hopefully with other Swiss players.