National Team

Everyone Aims to Be World Champion, Says National Team Forward Lucie Kubínová Before the World Championship

Preparations for the Women's World Championship in Switzerland are in full swing. On Victory Day, the national team participated in the Pardubice Cup, where they faced two U14 national teams and the Jeleni youth team. The women's ball hockey test against the youth team didn't go entirely well.

I Try to Pass on My Experience to Younger Players

Lucie, last week you participated in the national team camp and the preparatory tournament, the Pardubice Cup. How satisfied are you with your performances?

Well, there's always room for improvement. We played the tournament against boys who were physically better prepared than we were. Personally, I expected more from myself. I still have things to work on, and I'll try to always deliver a hundred percent performance.

Despite gaining only one point for a draw, did you learn anything positive about the women's team and its performance?

There were plenty of positive things. We'll see what the final nomination looks like, but I firmly hope that the best players will go. It was evident that some of the girls are preparing or playing with boys all season. A few players surprised me, and I'm glad we have new young girls among the selection.

Even though you are only 23 years old, this is already your preparation for the fourth championship. How different was each preparation?

The coaches always talked to me during the training camps. They prepared me for the given position and told me what was expected of me and what to work on. The preparations were always mainly focused on conditioning.

We Always Try to Maintain a Great Team Spirit with the Girls

Given your experience, do you already feel like one of the leaders?

Yes, I try to pass on my experience to the younger players.

During your seven years in the national team, there has been a gradual generational change. How has the national team changed over the years, not just from the perspective of the player roster?

We always try to maintain a great team spirit with the girls, whether someone leaves or joins. As for the coaches, our head coach Karel Manhart left, and Michal Broulík, previously the assistant coach, became the new head coach.

What are your prospects for the World Championship in Switzerland? Will the goal be to overcome the cursed semifinals?

We will always strive for the highest goals, and it will be no different this year. I think everyone goes there with the goal of being world champion. It will certainly be a tough and balanced tournament.